I will no longer remain silent.
If you are my age you often wonder why nowadays we seem to have dozens of diseases that weren't around when we were kids. Alzheimer's, Autism, Chronic Fatigue, Attention Deficit, Down Syndrome, even allergic reactions to foods, we rarely if ever came in contact with someone with anything like that. Oh sure, there was the quiet kid in the corner or the grandfather who was "off" or the woman in the next town who was "just lazy" or the boy who couldn't sit still in class. But these days it's all over the place. Everyone knows a family dealing with one if not more of these "modern" diseases.
No, it's not because these diseases have always been around but only now have we given them a name.
No, it's not because those afflicted are looking for sympathy or attention.
No, it's not because the medical industry needs a new source of income (though they certainly will take advantage of it).
And no it's not any one of the thousand other reasons bandied about on the internet or in the press.
It's because we are being poisoned. And we are willingly drinking the poison.
It's called aluminum.
You probably just thought to yourself, "oh god he's crazy, he's gone off the deep end, he thinks the tin foil hats are letting the aliens into our brains". You don't know how much I'd love for all this to be some giant M. Night Shamalamdingdong crappy movie. Probably like you, I thought the only time I ever came in contact with aluminum was when I bought the mega pack of chicken at Safeway and wrapped up each piece in it's foil blanket for a long winter's sleep in the freezer. Turns out I was wrong. It is in nearly everything you put in or on your body on a daily basis. Food, cosmetics, deoderants (try finding one of those without it), and most of all, medications. It is a preservative, it keeps these things from going bad. Now there are lots of other preservatives that could be used for that purpose but it turns out aluminum has one great advantage over all those other compounds.
It's cheap.
In fact it's so cheap that you really can't make any money off selling it unless you can get your buyer to purchase way more than they would really need. "Psst, hey buddy, I know you only need a tiny bit to make each aspirin tablet last a year, but why don't you buy twice as much and make the aspirin last two years". Conviently enough it's all perfectly legal to do that because the government of the United States, the ones who say how many parts of cockroach per ounce it's okay to have in a Hersey's bar, has not a single regulation about how much aluminum can go into that same Hersey's bar. But I don't want to single out our own government as being lax in it's oversight capacity because there is not one country in the world that limits aluminum addivities. Not one. There is only one item sold that has any limits on aluminum content and that is baby formula and those regulations only came about when those crunchy granola moms decided that breast milk was better than powdered and the baby formula industry needed to win back it's clientele by getting it's employees...er I mean...Congress to enact a minimal set of standards that of course the baby formula industry came up with.
Problem is, too much aluminum builds up in your body and it turns your own mind and/or body against you. What's the through line that connects grandma's Alzheimer's with grandson's Autism? They both have too much aluminum in their bodies. Studies are showing this connection again and again. And where did this aluminum come from? Well grandma smoked like a chimney for years (yeah, it's in tobacco too) and my cousin always said she sure did use an awful lot of Maybelline eyeshadow, and everyday she took one of those aspirins like her doctor told her to to prevent heart attacks, so she built up a lifetime of aluminum. But where did little Timmy's Autism come from? He was only breast fed and was perfectly healthy until one night he started crying uncontrollably and pooping and vomiting and mom called the doctor and the doctor said "Oh that's the normal reaction to the MMR vaccine he got today". First of all that's not normal. Second of all, that MMR vaccine was probably the seventeenth vaccine Timmy had had in his six months of life. And every one of those vaccines was preserved by aluminum. It's one thing to gradually take in a lifetime's worth of aluminum, it's quite another to have it all jabbed into your body in a span of six months. Imagine a brain, still developing, still trying to figure out what it is supposed to be doing, suddenly bombarded by a heavy metal cocktail. That brain may become so strained, so beleagured, that it goes into an infant form of Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome and shuts down.
Like they used to say on TV, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. But so is a body.
Adults with Chronic Fatigue or Parkinson's or ALS are all showing to have higher than normal amounts of aluminum in their bodies. Is there enough evidence to prove that aluminum causes all these diseases? Not yet. But let me just say this; if there are a bunch of suspicious fires in your neighborhood and you find out the guy down the street did time for arson, wouldn't you call the cops and tell them to at least have a chat with this guy? We need to do more research on the connection between aluminum and these diseases, but no one seems to want to fund that research.
Anyone wanna take a guess why no one wants to fund research that would show the ridiculously inexpensive preservative is actually poisoning the people who are consuming it?
Like I said, I will no longer remain silent. I'm not going to tell you what to do because I wouldn't know what to tell you to do. I'm going to do what I do best and write about it. If you want to read about it I'll be here taking out my rage on my keyboard. That's correct, rage. As you may have guessed by now this is not a theoretical exercise for me, not some conscienceness raised epiphany. My beautiful wife Betsey lives with the pain caused by Big Pharma's greed everyday and has for the past five years. For those five years I have been silent, thinking this a private family matter. I have lain against the ropes absorbing Big Pharma's punches one after another, but now it's the sixth round and I'm not taking it anymore.
Hey Merck, is that all you got?
If you are still interested and have an spare hour, take a look at this video from the Vaccine Safety Conference of 2011. It's a talk by Professor Christopher Exley, one of the foremost experts on aluminum today, on The Systemic Toxicity of Aluminium. One note of warning, though Professor Exley is a brilliant and engaging speaker, he does have that funny British way of pronouncing aluminum
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